Veteran's Ranch

They Call Me Patriot

They Call Me Patriot

by JR Smith | Jan 21, 2023 | Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Equine Therapy, Heroes, Marine, Navy, Space Force, We Love Horses | 0 comments

They Call Me Patriot

The proud 99% that support the 1% that wore the uniform.
I was told this buy a Veteran at one of our events many years ago. He asked me if I was a Patriot and I said, “I’m one of the most patriotic guys you will ever meet.” He said, “No son, you don’t understand.” That is when he gave me that definition.
From that day forward, I have wore that title with more pride and honor than you can possibly imagine. I don’t know what it’s like to have wings pinned on me, or a trident, or ranger tab, but I can tell you with all sincerity that when that man shared that with me, I welled up with more pride than you can imagine.
As a lot of you know, my Father is a Vietnam Veteran of the United States Navy. My Uncle is a Vietnam Era Veteran of the United States Navy, and my Grandfather was part of the Big Red 1 in WWII. My wife’s Father was in the Army from 1955 to 1957 and I had friends go to the sand box right out of high school in 1991. So to say that I was patriotic was an understatement, but that Veteran put things in a whole new perspective.
In starting The Veterans Ranch with my Wife and Father back in 2017 to do equine therapy for Veterans and their families, I personally feel that it is my honor and duty to serve the ones that served us all. I do not say that as a “catch phrase”. For every man or woman who raised their right hand and swore to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. To defend our way of life with a blank check including and up to giving their last full measure of devotion for their country. They deserve EVERYTHING we can give them. Even though we can never come close to repaying the sacrifices that they made for us, we must strive toward accomplishing that mission every day till they put us in the ground.
I will proudly wear my “tab” of Patriot given to me by one of our best…a Veteran of these great United States of America. I will carry that flag proudly. I will not rest until every Veteran that wants our help gets it. I will not rest until this nation marches with me to serve these great Americans, fellow Patriots and Veterans alike.
So I am imploring you to rise up with me, and proudly share your Patriot “tab” and wear that “rank” with honor. Follow us into a battle to #savelives one horse at a time.
The time is here. The time is now. No longer can nor will the topics of PTSD, Moral Injuries, and Veteran suicide be whisper conversations or just swept under the rug like they don’t even exist.
PATRIOTS…Join us in the battle today. It will not be easy. You will be told things like, those aren’t real numbers, I don’t have any Veterans in my family so why should I help, or even worse…I didn’t support those wars so why should I help at all. These will be the times that you need to stand strong with your fellow brother and sister Patriots. Band together arm in arm and vow to say that we are going to win this with you or without you. So you can stand with us and support them that fought for us or you can wonder who provides your freedoms to complain and not support something.
Either way we are standing together and shouting in one voice, that we will do whatever it takes to support our Veterans and their families. We will go to our graves knowing that we did everything that we could to make a difference in that dash between when we are born and when our Father calls us home.
So again I say…PATRIOTS…who is willing to lock arm in arm with us? Who is willing to join this fight? If you read this far then the answer is pretty obvious! Welcome aboard PATRIOTS…we have a lot of work to do!