Brenda Minage
Brenda Minage
My name is Brenda Minge, and I am a retired nurse, and now a holistic pain management practitioner and holistic trauma therapist and life coach. I have been healing since I was about 3 yrs old (it’s a God given gift. I cannot take credit; I am simply Gods USB cord). Most of my clients are referrals from oncologists, neurosurgeons, surgeons, and pain management practitioners. I work closely with major medical centers and cancer centers worldwide.
I am a nationally licensed Reiki Master, as well as having certifications in Family Development, PTSD, Trauma Therapy Case Management, Stored Memory Access Retrieval Trauma Therapy, Life Coach, Shamanic Life Coach, NLP, EMDR, EFT/TFT, Relaxation / Hypnotherapy, and Guided Imagery.
Lastly, I have written several books for adults and children available on Amazon.

I’m Just Me
Sink or Swim Emotions Feelings & Moods Emotions Feelings & Moods
Sink or Swim Emotions Feelings & Moods Emotions Feelings & Moods
Me & My Friends
Holidays With My Friends It’s Okay to Ask What Happened to You
But I Miss Them
I May Be Different That Means You’re Different Too
Please check out my YouTube Channel Brenda Minge – Therapist
Facebook Brenda D. Minge – Pain Management & Trauma Therapy and of course on LinkedIn
Me & My Friends
Holidays With My Friends It’s Okay to Ask What Happened to You
But I Miss Them
I May Be Different That Means You’re Different Too
Please check out my YouTube Channel Brenda Minge – Therapist
Facebook Brenda D. Minge – Pain Management & Trauma Therapy and of course on LinkedIn