Greg Kiser
Greg Kiser
An accomplished executive with over 30 years of experience within the government sector including: military, federal law enforcement and intelligence community service. He has served as an enlisted Marine and commissioned officer with both the Marine Corps and Navy. He deployed and served in theater during operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm (Gulf War 1). His federal service includes serving as a Supervisory Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, also serving as an FBI Liaison Officer to the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command. He has completed multiple deployments with the FBI and served with Special Operations Forces in theater as an Interrogator and Counterterrorism Investigator. His work in the private sector has included senior roles within the security operations and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) technology arenas. As a Veteran, he understands the complex situation and many pressures, that some Veterans experience following their military service.