Veteran's Ranch

1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

Sponsor a Horse

Our New Horses Need Your Loving Support

Three absolutely beautiful horses were just donated to The Veterans Ranch! We are so excited and we promise to share more pictures on social media soon so you can be part of the experience as they settle into their new home.
As much as we love our expanding family, we need your help. Did you know that a 1,000 lb horse eats 15-20 lbs of hay a day plus grains?? And we just adopted 3 hungry horses!
We’re looking for generous big-hearted people like you to help sponsor one or more of these amazing animals.
Through your precious gifts, we can pay for feed, hay, farriers, veterinarians, and everything else they need. Let’s keep them happy and healthy so they can help serve our Veteran community.
We thank all y’all for your continued support of The Veterans Ranch. Without you, we couldn’t do what we do. As a sponsor, we’ll keep you up-to-date on how your horse is doing and the great things that they are doing for our Veteran and Gold Star Family communities. You will also receive a free T-Shirt with the image of the horse you are sponsoring. Wear it with pride and tell your friends about what you’re doing to sponsor The Veterans Ranch.

Meet Bo

Bo is an amazing quarter horse. He stands at 15.3 hands and weighs
About 1500 pounds and is about 19 years old. Even with his size, Bo loves attention. He will let you rub and pet him all day long if you have the time. As you can see he is great with kids. The Veterans Ranch is very proud to have Bo on the team. By supporting Bo today, you allow us to utilize his amazing talents to work with the amazing community of people that we do. Bo, thanks you for your support.

Meet King (2002 – 2023)

King was a black beauty personified.
King was an amazing horse. He loved the people he worked with, and they loved him. King will be truly missed. He was a Tennessee Walker and a wonderful sight to see. King got a very bad case of colic. He fought valiantly like a warrior and was stoic up until the end, but in the end he was just suffering too much. King is now working with Veterans and Gold Star Families in the sky. God has him in his hands now and he is free from pain. Please sponsor him in memory of all the peace and joy he brought to people over his 21 years.

Meet Rico

Rico is a beautiful quarter horse that stands around 15.1 hands and weights around 1,000 pounds.
Rico is very gentle like the others and absolutely loves all of the attention that you can give him. Rico as the others is going to be a great addition to The Veterans Ranch and we are proud to have him and the others on the team.